Govt to give ‘security check exemption’ to US envoy

Islamabad – October 6 (Online): Government of Pakistan has decided to give an exemption to US deputy secretary of States Wendy Sherman from ‘all kinds of security checks’ upon her arrival during her coming visit to Islamabad.

United States’ deputy Secretary of States Wendy Sherman is set to visit Islamabad for two days along with a seven member delegation from October 6.

According to sources, Pakistan’s foreign ministry on Wednesday issued a letter to Aviation division and administration of New Islamabad Airport to preparations to ‘welcome the dignitary’.

The letter says that delegation would be exempted from physical security check and scanning at the airport. Moreover, US deputy secretary of states must not be clicked, the letter further says.

Foreign Ministry via its letter directed the airport administration to consecrate VIP lounge for delegation upon its arrival and leave.

Five passes each would be issued to US diplomats in Islamabad and officials of Pakistan’s foreign ministry to welcome US envoy, sources added.
