PTI drifts into hot soup

ISLAMABAD, April 17 (Online): Former ruling party PTI is again in hot soup after foreign funding case.

US have banned Alliance Energy Company owned by the financers of PTI Ilyas Hussain Mumar and Ishaq Hussain Mummar for its involvement in illegal and undesirable activities. The owners of this company have been financing PTI and its key leaders in their electoral activities.

The US has also requested Pakistani institutions to investigate the matters of company besides initiating necessary proceedings against it.
It may be mentioned that a few days back US government office foreign estates control (OFEC) had imposed restrictions on Pakistani company Alliance Energy and some other world companies for their involvement in dubious activities.

Pakistani company is charged with involving in illegal sale, purchase and delivers Iran petroleum chemical products.

As these restrictions are applicable to the institutions and persons which provide financial assistance to this company or get financial benefits from it therefore, alarm bell has been rung for Monnis Elahi, former provincial minister Malik Ghazanfar Cheena and other PTI leaders.

According to Securities and exchange commission of Pakistan Alliance energy company is owned by Ilyas Khan and Ishaq Khan, their close contacts with the aforesaid Pakistani politicians are not only available on record but the owners have been providing funds to these politicians for election activities.

The owners of these companies have admitted it openly and on social media and public meetings.

As per sources PTI leaders including former provincial minister have used the Alliance energy office Lahore for their political activities. Their pictures and videos have been doing rounds of social media.

It is being speculated that the directors of this banned company are front men of key personality of PTI.

The investigation by the institutions will lead to open new Pandora box which may lead to cause severe harm to credibility of certain leading figures of PTI.

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