Opposition failed to activate public against PTI: Asad Umar

ISLAMABAD, Feb 10 (APP): Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar on Thursday said that Opposition parties had no power to activate general public against the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf government.

The Opposition had failed to topple the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan because of weak vote bank and popularity among the masses, he said while talking to a private television channel. The political leaders of Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League-N, could not break the vote bank of ruling party of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf, he said.

The leaders of PPP and PML-N, are planning to mobilize the public for long march but on one would come out for them, he stated. The PTI is a popular party in the country; he said adding that Imran Khan would again win the elections of 2023 with the support of the people. In reply to a question, he said some members of Opposition benches are usually found absent from the assembly session.

He said the PTI government has succeeded in the Lower and Upper House in passing bills for public welfare.

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