Local education department, NGO observed World Toilet Day

MUZAFFARGARH, Nov 20 (APP):Local education department in collaboration with NGO, Qatar Charity Organisation arranged programmes at the schools in connection with the World Toilet Day on Saturday.

It were aimed at creating awareness among people and students about importance of using toilets in schools as well as houses, with putting an end to open defecation at open fields.

Functions were organized at Government Girls High School Khangan Shumali and Government Boys Middle School Shah Jewna simultaneously.
Students of different age groups were invited to shed light on role and importance of constructing latrines and using toilets in schools and their residential places.

Speakers referred at length about hazards of open defecation and benefits of toilet usage through dramatic their ways of expression.

Headmaster and Headmistress along with teachers felicitated NGO’s role for creating awareness among students particularly of rural community over sensitivity of the matter.

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