5-day anti-polio drive starts to vaccinate 332570 children

DIR LOWER, Feb 03 :A five-day anti-polio campaign that would continue from February 3 to 7 started here on Monday.
During the campaign, 332570 children will be given polio drops. 1442 teams have been formed for the polio campaign. 317 area in-charges will monitor and supervise the polio campaign.
About 21 thousand police and 250 Dir Levies personnel are performing duties to provide security to the polio field workers.
In the light of the orders of Deputy Commissioner Dir Lower Muhammad Arif Khan, district administration officers and health department officials are visiting different areas, hospitals, transport hubs and transit points to monitor the polio campaign.

To cover all the targets of the polio campaign, all Assistant Commissioners, Additional Assistant Commissioners, U. C. M. have been issued necessary directives.

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