PPP senator Raza Rabbani files bill in Senate secretariat for stopping arrest of members of assembly in all charges

ISLAMABAD, October 08 (Online): An important bill for stopping the arrest of members of parliament has been filed in Senate Secretariat.

Senator Mian Raza Rabbani presented the bill for Making the arrest of member parliament most difficult.

It was said in the proposed bill the arrest of member of parliament in any case including murder is being made the most difficult. No member will be arrested 8 days ahead of assembly or senate session. No member can be arrested from the premises of National Assembly or Senate without the permission of speaker or chairman Senate. The judicial proceedings will also not be conducted during any session.

It has been said in the bill that the production order will have to issued 15 days before or 15 days after. Production order will have to be issued compulsorily for attending standing committees meetings. It will be mandatory to tell the reasons to speaker or chairman senate before arresting any member.

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