PHC seeks reply from speaker, deputy speaker KP assembly in contempt of court case for not administering oath to opposition members

PESHAWAR, APRIL 03 (ONLINE): Peshawar High Court (PHC) has sought reply from speaker and deputy speaker of KP assembly in contempt of court case filed against them for not administering oath to elected members on reserved seats.

The contempt of court plea came before justice SM Attique Shah and Justice Syed Arshid Ali of PHC for hearing Wednesday.

The counsel for petitioner said during the hearing of the case court had ordered to administer oath to the members who were elected on reserved seats in KP assembly. Oath has not been administered to the elected members of opposition on reserved seats despite court’s orders.

The counsel for the petitioner said speaker and deputy speaker assembly violated court’s orders therefore, contempt of court proceedings be initiated against both of them.

The court remarked speaker and deputy speaker should file reply on next hearing

The court issued notice to speaker and deputy speaker KP assembly.

It is pertinent to mention here that in the case of oath taking on reserved seats, PHC while accepting opposition members plea had ordered speaker to administer oath to members.

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