OGRA PEMRA jointly launches massive awareness drive against substandard sale of cylinder

ISLAMABAD, Dec 19 (APP): Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority’ Spokesperson Imran Ghaznavi Wednesday said that OGRA with the joint efforts of Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) had launched a massive awareness drive against the sale and use of substandard gas cylinders during winter season for ensuring safety and well-being of consumers.

“All LPG marketing companies have been advised to strictly ensure the compliance of safety instructions at distributor premises in order to avoid any untoward incident in future and conducting seminars and social media campaigns for the awareness of distributors,” he said while talking to a private news channel.

“Our awareness drive aims With these drives we are educating local companies for ensuring their respective distributors for thoroughly check the LPG cylinder with respect to any physical damage, leakage etc prior to handing over the same to the customers.”
“LPG marketing companies should also been advised to instruct their distributors to educate every customer through posters displayed at distributor’s premises on safe use of LPG cylinders and also circulate the brochure among the customers for the awareness of the safety measures,” he added.

“It is a joint campaign and is a part of our preventive measures so as to ensure the safety of users of gas cylinders, he said.
“In a bid to avoid accidents at home, the campaign will inform users about the accurate safety method of transporting and handling the LPG cylinders,” he said.
“Our campaign is designed to remind people, particularly housewives, maids and workers, about the safe use of cylinders in homes,” he added.

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