Nuclear Pakistan has been made laughing stock in the world: Siraj Ul Haq

QUETTA, Nov 05 (Online): Amir JI Siraj ul Haq has said nuclear Pakistan has been made laughing stock for the world.

“An alarming situation of chaos and disorder prevails in Pakistan. Nuclear Pakistan has been made laughing stock in the world. Poverty rules around all the sides of talented and genius nation. About 80 million people are living below the poverty line. The judges themselves are admitting about non administration of justice in the courts. Lack of trust is being expressed on the vital institution of election commission. Whosoever goes out the home, family members pray for their safe return. PDM, PPP and PTI politics have ruined the country. Establishment forged NRO with PP, he said this while addressing oath taking ceremony of JI in Quetta Press Club here Saturday.

He went on to say those who have pushed the country into blind alley now want safe passage in the event of imposition of martial law.
The Qabza mafia has been using political workers to serve their political interests, he added. PDM of 13 parties and PTI are in clash with each other. . Therefore, common man remains no more priority of political parties.

He reiterated PTI and PDM has the same agenda. The identity of Pakistan abroad has been reduced to a beggar because Prime Minister approaches IMF and visits other countries to seek loans.

He held that Kashmir was handed over to India and State bank to IMF by both PDM and PTI.

PTI set up langar Khanas instead of factories in the country, he remarked. The incumbent government left the flood affectees stranded after arrival of flood. The provincial ministers accumulated the funds themselves which was provided by the other countries for flood hit people. PDM will be held accountable for the flood funds.

He underscored that attack on Imran Khan is conspiracy to stoke civil war i

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