Lawyer gunned down in Karachi

KARACHI, Dec 01 (Online): A lawyer has been killed during firing on his car in Gulistan Jauhar Block- 13 here.

The police officers rushed to the scene on information and the Rescue workers shifted the body to the hospital. The victim has been identified as Irfan 40. He was lawyer by profession and was secretary of Sindh Bar Council.

He was on his way back to home after dropping his children to school when some motorcyclists opened firing on him. He died on the spot.
Police have recovered cases of 3o bore pistols. The attackers who were riding on the motorcycle were wearing helmets. They looted nothing from the victim. The murders seems to be result of an old enmity or target killings, police said.

The nephew of the victim was also sitting in the car at the time of attack who escaped miraculously. The attackers fled the scene.
