Imran Khan lost credibility, popularity: Rana Sana

ISLAMABAD, Mar 7 (APP): Interior Minister Rana Sana Ullah on Tuesday said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan had lost credibility and popularity among the masses due to negative attitude.

Imran Khan had been using uncivilized language against the heads of national institutions, he said while talking to
a private television news channel. He said that the PTI workers could not support Imran’s ‘Jail Bharo Tehreek’ as he was not a popular leader of people.

The minister said that the PTI chairman would have to present himself before court. The court would announce indictment on March 13 because Imran Khan could not provide valid evidence against his cases.

About early elections, he said that Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz had already started campaign in different parts of the country. “The PML-N will win next elections under guidance of Nawaz Sharif, and the elections would be held as per schedule”, the minister said.
