Govt introducing PMDA to deal with ‘fake news’: Fawad

Islamabad – September 7 (Online): Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhary Fawad Hussain has said the government is bringing Pakistan Media Development Authority to deal with the issues of fake news.
In a tweet Tuesday, Fawad said Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed

Bajwa while addressing the Defence and Martyrs’ Day ceremony also declared fake news and disinformation a threat to national security. He said the very analysis of the Army Chief is based on facts and reality.
The Information Minister said the biggest threat to media freedom is from yellow journalism.

On the other hand, Chairman of National Assembly’s standing committee for information and broadcasting Javed Latif rejected the proposed bill saying ‘government has itself disowned the bill’
Talking to media in Islamabad on Tuesday, Javed Latif said that government has dis-associated itself from proposed media authority bill. “Ministers buzz in our ears that this is not their bill” he claimed, asking “then government should clarify who wants to control media?”

Javed Latif said that those who refer Jinnah’s sayings should also act upon them. “You cannot control freedom of speech by pressing the switch” he said.

Talking about the proposed media authority bill, he said that National Assembly’s standing committee would never pass the bill. Whole nation stands with media and will never accept such harsh restrictions on freedom of speech.

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