Fazl terms crackdown on banned TLP protesters state terrorism

ISLAMABAD – The Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) chief Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman on Sunday termed government’s crackdown on the defunct Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) protesters as state terrorism.

Talking to media persons, Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman announced JUI’s full support for the defunct TLP and said that the government should review its decision or get ready for strong opposition from all religious parties of the country.

Condemning the crackdown, the JUI-F chief said that those who had raised voice for Namoos-e-Risalat (SAW) were killed by the police in Lahore. He blamed that the government was involved in state terrorism against innocent protesters.

He said that JUI would give full support to defunct TLP if they decided to hold a march towards Islamabad along with their martyrs. Maulana said that the French Ambassador should quit Pakistan as it was the need of the time and the long lasting demand of the people of Pakistan.

Condemning the police crackdown in Lahore, Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman claimed that what Punjab police was doing with the protesters in Punjab was not different from what the Americans had done with Afghan Mujahideen in Guantanamobay jail.

Govt asked to review decision or get ready for strong opposition

He termed the Imran Khan government as a “terrorist government” which had killed many innocent people of the county due to their love for Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Maulana said that if such crackdown took place in Kashmir and Palestine then it would be called state terrorism. The brutal crackdown in Lahore was not even given media coverage which was a clear double standard of Imran Khan government.

Commenting on the agreement signed between the government and the defunct TLP leadership, the JUI-F chief said that details and points of the agreement should be made public and should be discussed in Parliament.

Maulana said after 9/11 the Muslim leadership across the world was given tasks to crash down religious forces of the Muslim world. He claimed that Imran Khan was one of those leaders. He was given the task to push the religious forces of Pakistan against the wall, he said and added that they would never give up and would fight against the cruel designs of the foreign agents against Islam and Pakistan.

Maulana warned the government to review its decision as they still had time to return or get ready for the strong opposition of the religious segment of the country.
