Indian conspiracy won’t stop KPL colors to reflect across LoC: Shehryar Khan Afridi

ISLAMABAD, Chairman Kashmir Committee Shehryar Khan Afridi believed the Indian conspiracy won’t be able to stop the colors of Kashmir Premier League’s (KPL), to reflect across Line of Control (LoC), saying real peaceful face of Kashmir would be portrayed in front of the World through this mega tournament.

“KPL is starting from August 6 with six teams featuring in the extravaganza. KPL has already been getting global recognition as international players, commentators are featuring in the tournament.

The Board for Control of Cricket in India (BCCI) wants to do the same with KPL, as the Indian government led by Narendra Modi has demolished the rights of the people and minorities of Indian Illegally-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K),” Afridi said here in a press conference.

Afridi presser came at a time when former South Africa batsman Herschelle Gibbs accused the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) of “trying to prevent” him and other foreign from participating in the inaugural KPL.

He said BCCI was pressuring the other cricket boards and players to pull out from the league. “Gibbs, Sri Lankan cricketer Tillakaratne Dilshan, English cricketer Monty Panesar and other cricketers were being pressurized to pull out from the league. ICC should take action against it,” he said.

Afridi said recently the elections of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) were held in a peaceful manner with all political parties taking part.

“When KPL will happen in Muzaffarabad the Kashmiri player will be sharing the dressing room with international players who will get a chance to see the real culture of Kashmir which will be portrayed to the world. The way Prime Minister Imran Khan was fighting for the cause of Kashmir shows that India was feeling troubled. We will fight the case of Kashmir on every podium,” he said.

Afridi said hats off to the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) and stakeholders for KPL. “The foreign players will come and see that what type of life was going on in Pakistan’s part of Kashmir unlike in IIOJ&K,” he said. He believes that Kashmiris players would perform in PSL and Pakistani side in future. “KPL players will get the presidential security and AJK’s stakeholder and the Pakistan government was on one page.”

To a question, he said a KPL type initiative was also coming in Gilgit-Baltistan. “We want to ensure that whether it’s GB or AJK we want to promote sports, culture and tourism,” he said.

Afridi also urged ICC to take cognizance of vicious agenda of BCCI who was threatening International cricketers to prevent from from taking part in the KPL and using Cricket for India’s political and hegemonic designs.

Afridi asked the cricket playing countries and cricket boards to stand against the Indian hegemonic designs and frustrate Indian vicious designs and hold flag of global sports as sports is fundamental human right.

Flanked by President of the KPL Arif Malik and CEO Chaudhry Shehzad, Afridi while responding to the threats hurled by the BCCI to prevent International cricketers from partaking in the Kashmir Premier League2021, said India shouldn’t politicise the KPL which is a gentleman’s sport.

He also urged the BCCI of India not to suffocate Kashmiris as cricket is a gentleman’s game. “Pakistan will keep working to provide fundamental human rights to Kashmiri youth and their talent, culture, habitat would be highlighted and projected at all levels.”

He said the KPL was purely commercial venture and India should not politicize the Kashmir Premier League 2021. “KPL and the Kashmiris would rise and shine and India cannot suffocate Kashmiris.”

Afridi said they won’t allow India to sabotage the KPL and won’t take into consideration any ill-plans of India. “KPL will help in the promotion of tourism as well as the culture of AJK.

He also lauded Pakistan Cricket Board and its Chairman Eshan Mani and its CEO Wasim Khan for fully backing the KPL through and through and saod that being father of Pakistan Cricket, PCB is there to support KPL and Kashmiri culture would be highlighted at all forums.

President Arif Malik said KPL would be broadcast in 27 countries. “Indian media was upset the day the KPL draft was held. South African cricket board has stopped its players from participating in the league but Gibbs tweet gave a strong message for Pakistanis and especially Kashmiris that he is willing to come,” he said.

He said Dilshan would also be here and we are trying to fulfill the six players’ composition. “KPL is fully sound and not lesser than any other league. An 80-member crew will be telecasting the league from Muzaffarabad,” he said. He said we being an organization only talked about sports and nothing else. “From 1947 till now this will be the best narrative which will show the true Pakistani peaceful side of Kashmir,” he said.

To a question, Malik said these hurdles are not just limited to the foreign players, but India was going as far as to even threaten the commentators, as well as the broadcasters from participating in the KPL. “KPL would be a league of international standards and the stadium is being revamped to be a state-of-the-art facility,” he said.
