FC South distribute footballs among youth in Tank

TANK, Oct 16 (APP)::The Sector Headqaurter Frontier Corps (South) distributed footballs among young players during a special ceremony held at Sector Headqaurters Tank, said officials on Saturday.

Under exclusive initiative, Sector Headquarters South has distributed thousands of footballs among the youth and students so far in district Tank to promote healthy activities.

On the special directive of Sector Commander FC Headquarters South, special measures were being taken to provide healthy sports activities to youth in Tank and adjacent areas.

With the support of FC Headqrters South on the special interest of Sector Commander South Brigadier Naik Nam Baig, playgrounds have been set up in Tank, where youth was able to participate in sports and make a name for themselves and the region.

Under the supervision of Sector Commander South, distribution of footballs has been started exclusively among the students and young players of government schools and so far thousands of footballs have been distributed in the area.

Commanding Officer 25 Sindh Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Sher Alam Khan was also present on the occasion.

During the distribution of sports equipment, the young players said, “We pay tribute to FC South and their entire team for the steps taken by Sector Commander South to promote sports activities in the area. They appreciated the initiatives which would promote sports and healthy activities among youth.

The young players lauded and thanked IG FC South Major General Omar Bashir, Sector Commander South Brigadier Naik Nam Baig and Commanding Officer 25 Sindh Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Sher Alam Khan for this initiative.

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