China’s anti-epidemic supplies arrive in Kiribati

SYDNEY, Feb 23 (XINHUA/APP):Anti-epidemic supplies provided by China were flown to Kiribati’s capital Tarawa on Wednesday to help the South Pacific island country to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The medical supplies, transported by a chartered plane, include oximeters, monitors, electrocardiographs, ultrasonic diagnostic systems, masks […]

Intense light may boost heart health

Islamabad, FEB 19, (ONLINE): A novel use of intense light therapy may help decrease the tissue damage experienced during heart attacks, reveals new research in mice. New research introduces a potential novel therapy for heart attacks. The study, out of the University of Colorado and […]

Confiding in others may protect against depression

ISLAMABAD, February 13 (online): A study suggests confiding in others is one of the best ways to stave off depression, while daytime napping and spending lots of time watching television appear to increase the risk of developing the condition. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) […]
