Babies Should Get New RSV Shot This Fall: CDC

ISLAMABAD, Aug 05 (ONLINE): The CDC is recommending that all babies younger than 8 months old get a shot this fall or winter to protect against respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. RSV usually causes mild cold symptoms, but babies with their first infection are at […]

Yes, Snacking Can Make You Healthier

ISLAMABAD, JULY 28 (ONLINE): Like to snack? If you do, you’re not alone. A 2022 survey by Food Insight found that 73 percent of us report snacking at least once a day. (Are there really people out there who eat no snacks?) On average, 24 […]

Extreme heat straining health systems: WHO

Geneva, July 19 (AFP/APP):The extreme heat in the northern hemisphere is putting an increasing strain on healthcare systems, hitting those least able to cope the hardest, the World Health Organization said Wednesday. The WHO said the heat often worsens pre-existing conditions, saying it was particularly […]

Punjab Healthcare Commission in action against fake doctors

LAHORE July 16 (Online): Punjab Healthcare Commission has sealed 670 businesses during their action against fake doctors which is underway since 4 weeks. 685 fake doctors has closed their illegal business centers. According to details commission’s enforcement teams has raided 2,879 in 29 districts. Certified […]
