PSW attends Trade Information Portal Training Session in Laos

Islamabad (PNI) A team of Pakistan Single Window (PSW) led by Mr. Sheeraz Abdul Rasheed, Head of PSW Network & Infrastructure returned after participating in a week-long training session on the maintenance and technical enhancement of the Trade Information Portal.

The training sessions were conducted by M/s Cyberia Co. Ltd.-the official partner of the World Bank and were aimed at ensuring a smooth transition of the Trade Information Portal of Pakistan – ‘Tradeverse’ onto the PSW system. Tradeverse is an initiative of the PSWC, a public sector company, notified as the ‘operating entity’ of the PSW system under the provisions of the Pakistan Single Window Act, 2021 and was developed with technical assistance received from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Bank.

Tradeverse provides a single access point for all cross-border trade-related information. Over 530 laws, regulations, procedures, and other trade-related measures from over 77 government agencies have been completely digitized and can now be accessed online.

The portal was launched on March 31, 2022 in line with Pakistan’s commitment under the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement and can be accessed at in English and Urdu languages.

The portal is being hosted, maintained and enhanced by the PSW team. SRO 604(I)/2022 dated 17th May, 2022 issued by Pakistan Customs in consultation with the PSW Governing Council provides a mechanism for interagency data and information sharing to ensure that the portal is continually updated.

A dedicated team in the PSW is responsible for coordinating with the public and private sector stakeholders to improve the coverage and use of the portal.

The training sessions also mark the first international training program for PSW employees and is indicative of PSW’s commitment to introduce globally recommended best practices into Pakistan’s trade ecosystem through intensive training, international partnerships, and public-private sector collaboration.

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