British Kashmiris rally for Yasin Malik’s release from Indian jail

Birmingham (PNI) British Kashmiris on Friday held mass demonstrations to seek immediate roll back of the fake conviction of Kashmiri Leader Muhammad Yasin Malik.

Kashmiris held demonstrations in many cities to bring attention of the international community to fake trial of Mr Malik which concluded with life-time jail term by Kangaroo Indian courts

Fahim Kayani, president of Tehreek-e-Kashmir (TeK) UK, addressing demonstrators in Birmingham said that Kashmiris won’t be cowed down by the dirty tactics of the illegal Indian military regime in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK).

An Indian kangaroo court on May 25, 2022 wrongly convicted for life Esteemed Malik “for waging the war against Kashmiris.”

To demand intervention of international community to stop India from war crimes and seek release of Kashmiri resistance leaders including Masarat Alam, Asiya Andrabi, Shabir Shah, Peer Saifullah, Dr Muhammad Qasim Faktoo ,Zafar Akbar Bhat, Naheeda Nasreen, Fahmida Sofi, Ayaz Akbar , Naeem Ahmed Khan
and other political prisoners , the TeK UK had called for demonstrations across the UK after Friday prayers.

Kayani also presented a resolution regarding Malik, detailing his struggle for freedom of IIoJK

Fazal Ahmed Qadari , patron in cheif of All Parties Kashmir committee addressing protestors in Derby said “Until we get freedom for our beloved motherland, Kashmiris around the world will not sit down,”

Ch Fakhar Iqbal president of Tehreek-e-Kashmir Dundee Scotland said at Kashmir rallly in Dundee “Esteemed Malik is a beacon of light for freedom of IIoJK which is an inspiration for generations to come,”

The TeK UK leadership Qamar Abbas , Ch Ikram ul Haq ,Yahiya Akhtar ,Talat Baseer , Shabir Hussain and Khawajah Muhammad Suleman suggested a joint strategy among Kashmiri diaspora groups so that life of Kashmiri political prisoners is saved.

“There is dire need for Kashmiri diaspora groups to come together and take up the cases of Kashmiri prisoners with respective governments and human rights defenders to pressure India to release them,” The TeK Leadership said.

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