AJK President for effective diplomatic campaign to resolve Kashmir dispute

ISLAMABAD, July 16 (NNI): President Azad Jammu and Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry Saturday said that an effective global diplomatic campaign was need of the hour to resolve the decade old Kashmir dispute.

Barrister Sultan added that Kashmiri leadership in Belgium and European Parliament can play an important role by raising the Kashmir issue and bringing an end to the spate of violence and bloodshed in Indian held Kashmir.

He vowed to launch a full-fledged diplomatic and political campaign to apprise the world about the grave situation of occupied Kashmir.

These views were expressed by the AJK President while talking to Executive Director Kashmiri Scandinavian Council (KSC) Sardar Ali Shahnawaz Khan at Kashmir House Islamabad today.

The AJK President said that it was the foremost priority of Azad Kashmir government to raise the Kashmir issue at global level.

Lauding the services of Kashmir Scandinavian Council for Kashmir cause, Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry has said that the Kashmiri diaspora community settled abroad has played a vital role in highlighting the Kashmir issue at international fora.

He said that a protest demonstration is being arranged and planned in New York on the occasion of United Nations General Assembly session in September this year. He said that Kashmir is a United Nations recognized disputed territory and its resolution is must for permanent peace in the subcontinent.

He said despite using all means of oppression and suppression, India had miserably failed to break Kashmiris resolve and their voice for freedom struggle.

The AJK President has urged the international community to help resolve Kashmir dispute by bringing India to the dialogue table and stopping human rights violations against the innocent Kashmiris. He said Kashmiris are being deprived off their right of self determination.

Lauding the sacrifices given by the Kashmiri people during the last 75 years, the AJK President said that Azad Kashmir is a base camp of freedom struggle in the true sense, wherefrom a strong and effective diplomatic campaign is being launched to promote the Kashmir’s cause and expose India’s ugly face at the international level.

During the meeting Ali Shahbnawaz briefed Barrister Sultan Mehmood on the role of Kashmir Scandinavian Council in raising the Kashmir dispute and Indian atrocities in held Kashmir in the Norwegian Parliament.

Sardar Ali Shahnawaz Khan said that Norwegian government also interested to help resolve the Kashmir issue is a significant and commendable development. He pointed out that Norway has always played a key role in internationalizing the Kashmir dispute and has supported its peaceful settlement.

He said that due to restrictions on local leadership of occupied Kashmir, there is no other way to raise the issue internationally. The Kashmiri diaspora by contributing their part, have raised successfully the voice of Kashmiris globally.

Ali Shahnawaz has urged the Azad Kashmir President to visit Europe and United States to activate the Kashmiri leadership there for raising the human rights violations being committed by the Indian occupied forces in held Kashmir.

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