WHO, UNICEF describe performance of routine childhood immunization programmes

Islamabad, 24th July, 2023 (Online): WUENIC (WHO and UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage) is a rule-based logical framework developed by WHO and UNICEF for estimating children’s immunization coverage in all countries and territories across the globe.
It is heartening indeed to welcome the high level “International Joint EPI Mission” to Pakistan stated Mr. Iftikhar Ali Shallwani, Secretary, Ministry of National Health Services Regulations & Coordination (MoNHSR&C).

The sentiments were shared by the Federal Health Secretary in response to the promising immunization data pertaining to Pakistan shared by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC) during the dissemination event started with the national anthem of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan organized by the Federal Directorate of Immunization (FDI) on 24th July, 2023.

Mr. Shallwani further stated that WHO and UNICEF have made annual estimates of national infant immunization coverage for selected vaccines for more than two decades now enabling countries across the world into informed decision making. Pakistan has benefited from WUENIC in a score of ways. Government of Pakistan has capitalized on these estimates to track progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 of “Good Health & Well Being”. The Federal Secretary added that as per the estimates figures shared, the Expanded Programme on Immunization has committed this year to bolster collaboration and capacity among immunization professionals, researchers, health workers and journalists; to better understand and address barriers to vaccine delivery, acceptance and demand; and to introduce new vaccines to prevent future pandemics and better apply epidemiology to maximize the impact of vaccine rollout.

A special message from Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel, Federal Minister, Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination to the members of the high level International Joint EPI Mission read “I am pleased to see the data delivers strong evidence of the resilience of the Pakistani front-line health care workers. WUENIC statistics depict that focused investment and systematic approach of the government, partner organizations and other stakeholders working in the Expanded Programme of

Immunization has delivered tangible returns in year 2022”.

The Health Minister also shed light on the recent developments in the Immunization Programme of Pakistan starting with “Reaching the Unreached”, a successful initiative carried out in July, 2021 in 69 UCs of South KP under the FDI, Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) and Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI) Synergy Framework to ensure Polio eradication from Pakistan. He also shared that EPI warehouses all across the Pakistan are equipped with state of the art supply chain systems coupled with cold chain equipment to ensure effective vaccine management. Further, Federal Directorate of Immunization is embedding the Human Centered Design Approach into communication strategy to increase vaccine demand and uptake. Mr. Patel thanked GAVI for all the support and assistance in the Full Portfolio Planning and all other grants specially the assistance provided under the Fragility, Emergencies and Displaced (FED) populations grant for the 2021 Flood effected populations of Pakistan. The Federal Minister also mentioned the recent Measles Case Response Initiative implemented in June 2021, targeting more than 2,635,140 children in 51 targeted Districts of Pakistan.

Health Minister’s message concluded by stating that ‘I would like to reaffirm the will of the Government of Pakistan that Health Ministry always put a special emphasis on the estimates put forward from these Global Health Leaders to reach the global target of immunization coverage of essential vaccines and reduce the number of unvaccinated children in Pakistan.

Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Kazi, DG, FDI thanked the Federal Health Minister, Federal Health Secretary and the members high level “International Joint EPI Mission” from WHO, Unicef, GAVI, Gates Foundation and The World Bank.

Dr. Kazi stated that Federal Directorate of Immunization highly values WUENIC as these estimates are based on data officially reported to WHO and UNICEF by Member States as well as data reported in the published literature. In the light of WUENIC, FDI plans to expand it partnerships and collaborate with immunization system professionals, academia, health workers, researchers, journalists, civil society leaders, religious leaders, and immunization advocates/champions in order to achieve EPI strategic goals to achieve the target of Fully Immunized Children (FIC) in Pakistan.

Dr. Tokunbo Oshin, Director for High Impact Countries at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance stated that Pakistan’s commitment towards enhancing equitable and sustainable access to vaccines is impressive. Despite challenges, including grappling with a devastating flood and outbreaks, the country rolled out a typhoid campaign, reduced the number of ‘zero-dose’ children and increased its national vaccination coverage,”. He added, “Gavi is highly committed to its partnership with Pakistan, and together we look forward to expanding efforts to build strong, sustainable health systems that protect the most vulnerable communities from some of the world’s deadliest diseases.”

Speaking at the event, Dr. Palitha Mahipala, WHO Country Representative stated that the data is encouraging, as the overall immunization coverage levels are promising and progress is being made thanks to the hard work of governments, donors, partner agencies, and frontline workers. Despite gains, pocket of unvaccinated children poses a risk of measles, diphtheria, and other vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks. We must continue to increase our efforts to identify zero-dose children by redoubling our commitment to increase immunization spend and developing new programme strategies in order to reach every child born before or during the pandemic. Every child deserves to be protected against life-threatening diseases through routine immunization, allowing them to lead healthy and prosperous lives.

Dr Inoussa Kabore, UNICEF Deputy Representative in Pakistan during his address said “UNICEF Pakistan is proud to have been part of the joint effort resulting in a reduction of zero dose by 29% (from 611,000 in 2021 to 431,000 in 2022), thanks to Pakistan Government strong leadership, more children are better protected against deadly diseases. WUENIC data brings consensus on countries’ efforts and achievements to reach all children to save lives and progress toward SDG No. 3 of Good Health & Well Being; UNICEF stands ready to continue to work with WHO, GAVI, World Bank to unwaveringly support the government efforts to reach every child, wherever they are and whoever they are, with live saving vaccines. Together, we can do this.”

The high level “International Joint EPI Mission” bringing global wisdom to Pakistan consisted Dr. Katherine O’Brien, HQ WHO, Dr. Ann Lindstrand , HQ WHO, Dr. Natasha CROWCROFT, HQ WHO, Ms. Lauren Franzel Sassanpour, HQ WHO, Dr. Patrick O’Conner, HQ WHO, Dr. Paul Bloem, HQ WHO, Dr. Rana Hajjeh, EMRO WHO, Dr. Yvan Hutin, EMRO WHO, Dr. Quamrul Hasan, EMRO WHO, Dr. Nasrin Musa, EMRO, WHO, Dr. Tokunbo Oshin, Gavi Secretariat, Ms. Carrie Gheen, Gavi Secretariat, Marumbo Ngwira, Gavi Secretariat, Dr. Ephrem T. Lemango, UNICEF HQ, Dr. Rene Ehounou Ekpini, ROSA UNICEF, Dr. Mariya Khatiwada ROSA UNICEF, Michael Kent Ranson, World Bank, Dr. Soofia Yunus, World Bank, Michael Galway, BMGF and Erin Stuckey, BMGF.

The Mission members shared the objectives of their visit to Pakistan inclusive of discussions on zero dose initiatives under the Synergy Framework for the support of the Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI) through a successful initiative i.e. Reaching the Unreached (RUR).

Discussions on immunization in general, table talks with the Ministry and immunization partners on ways to support “BIG CATCH UP” in Pakistan, Unpack the WUENIC data from 2022 to understand drivers of the coverage trends, lessons learnt and other contributory factors to the results to inform Alliance programme support. Identify opportunities to align partner coordination at federal and provincial level and to advocate with federal and provincial EPIs, NITAG and stakeholders on HPV introduction. WUENIC Data was made public by sharing with the media so that decision makers at all tiers can make use of it and make informed immunization decision.

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