Sedition case: court approves 3 days physical remand of Ali Wazir, former MNA

ISLAMABAD, Sep 12 (Online): District and Sessions Court Islamabad has approved 3 days physical remand of Ali Wazir former Member of National Assembly (MNA) in inciting to sedition on social media case.

The case came up for hearing against Ali Wazir.
FIA presented Ali Wazir in the court of judicial magistrate Shabbir Bhatti.

FIA requested the court to grant 10 days physical remand of Ali Wazir.

The investigation officer said forensic of mobile and laptop of Ali Wazir is required.

The Judicial magistrate Shabbir Bhatti while approving 3 days physical remand of Ali Wazir ordered to present the accused again in the court.

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