Court dismisses petition of a citizen seeking permission to drink poison

LAHORE, October 14 (Online): Lahore High Court (LHC) has rejected the plea of a citizen seeking permission to drink poison publicly.

The decision on maintainability of petition was reserved on September 12.
Citizen Sarwar Taj resident of Mazang area of Lahore while resorting to court to seek permission to drink poison had said he wanted to make this experiment before all as nothing will happen to him.

The petitioner said “I don’t want any fame. I have belief on Almighty Allah that nothing will happen to me. I want to conduct this experiment before all in Mochi gate Lahore. Court should grant permission.

Justice Raheel Kamran Sheikh issued a 7-page decision related to petition.
The court said in the decision that the petition seems to be means of earning fame in the guise of public interest.

It has been said in the decision that petitioner said if he dies then no one will be responsible. If he remains alive then the court should order the government to use his recipe for treatment of cancer.

According to the petitioner he had obtained this recipe from Sufis.
It has been said in the written decision the petition is dismissed being not on merit. High Court will transgress its powers if it gives any such decision.

It has been written in the decision on being inquired by the court the petitioner said he is not patient of cancer.

The court maintained that the patients have right to end their lives if they are in highly painful condition in certain countries including India. But state religion of Pakistan is Islam. If such permission is given then the others will be encouraged to do illegal deeds. Therefore, court cannot allow to petitioner to use anything like this.

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