Hot & dry weather forecast across Sukkur division

SUKKUR, May 08 (APP): The local Met Office on Monday has forecast hot and dry weather across the Sukkur division during the next 24 hours. The highest maximum temperature of 38 centigrade and the lowest minimum of 24 centigrade were recorded during the last 24 […]

Football: Italian Serie A table

Milan, May 8 (AFP/APP): Italian Serie A table after Monday’s early matches (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Napoli 34 26 5 3 70 23 83 — champions Juventus 34 20 6 8 52 28 66 Lazio 34 19 7 8 52 […]

Western Canada seeks urgent help to fight wildfires

Drayton Valley, Canada, May 8 (AFP/APP): Canada struggled on Monday to control wildfires that have forced thousands to flee, halted oil production and threaten to raze towns, with the western province of Alberta calling for federal help. Some 30,000 people were ordered to leave their […]

Making a military commander By Dr Atique Ur Rehman

Will Durant writes in his book, Lessons of History, that the first lesson of history is modesty and life is all about survival of the fittest. The global system also dictates that the security of a state is its own responsibility. Pakistan’s existence is the […]

Karachi mayorship depends on today’s by-polls: JI

KARACHI 07 May (Online): Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Karachi Chief, Engineer Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman has urged the citizens to cast vote for local-bodies by-elections on Sunday (yesterday) as they did on January 15. He said that the Karachi mayorship depends on the results of today’s LG polls in […]
