Three PKK members killed in Turkish drone strike in Iraq: authorities

Arbil, Iraq, Aug 24 (AFP/APP): Three members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) were killed Thursday in a Turkish drone strike in Iraq’s Kurdistan region, authorities said.

“A Turkish army drone struck a PKK vehicle, killing an official and two fighters” of the group — considered a terrorist organisation by Turkey and Western countries — in the Sidakan district, the Kurdish counter-terrorism services said.

It came as Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan was visiting the Iraqi Kurdish regional capital Arbil after he began on Tuesday his first official trip to Iraq.

Fidan met with the Kurdistan region’s President Nechirvan Barzani and prime minister Masrour Barzani.

“We have settled this question in Turkey once and for all. Now the PKK is hiding in Iraqi territory. We are working with Baghdad and Arbil to protect Iraq from the PKK,” Fidan said at a joint news conference with Masrour Barzani.

On Tuesday Fidan had urged the federal government in Baghdad to brand the PKK a “terrorist” organisation.

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