PM vows to run campaign to rid world of Islamophobia, blasphemy

ISLAMABAD, :Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday vowed to run a campaign by activating the Islamic states’ leaders to make the Western world understand that the Muslims get hurt the most due to disrespect of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

“We are 1.25 billion Muslims. Why can’t we do that? I feel sad to say that it is a great failure of the Muslim world leaders. I will run a campaign. I will contact the Muslim world leaders. I am sure, if we collectively make them understand that … disrespect of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the worst for us,” he said.

Addressing the National Rehmatullil Alameen Conference held here in connection with the Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH), the prime minister said the Jews despite being small in number, had criminalized the denial of Holocaust in some countries because it hurt them.

Imran Khan said the Islamic world would have to tell the West that irrespective of the fact that thousands of Muslims had been killed in Afghanistan, Syria and Libya, the blasphemy of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) hurt them far more than loss of their lives.

Started with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran in the mesmerizing voice of renowned Qari Sadaqat Ali and Naat by Noor Muhamamd Jarral, the National Rahmatul Lil Alameen Conference was attended by federal ministers, including Pir Nurul Haq Qadri, Shibli Faraz, Ali Muhammad Khan and Zartaj Gul, senators, members of the National Assembly, and the Ulema religious scholars from across the country and abroad.

Themed “Environmental Pollution and our Responsibilities in the Light of the Life of Holy Prophet (PBUH),” the annual Seerat Conference was held for the first time on the subject of environmental protection.

The prime minister told the audience that Pakistan would lead the campaign as he had already written letters to the Muslim world leaders for a joint action.

He said consequent to such incidents, the Muslims living in the West suffered the most as they were attacked, veiled women were shouted and even mosques were also desecrated.
The prime minister said unlike the Muslims, the Western society was very casual about the religion. They even produced funny movies about the prophets, which was incomprehensible for the Muslims.

He recalled that after assuming the office he had also raised the issue of Islamophobia at the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) Summit and urged the Muslims leaders to take collective position to prevent the phenomenon growing.

He said it was essential to tell the Western countries, the European Union and the United Nations about the reverence and sensitivity the Muslims shown to their religion.
He said in fact a very small segment in the West wanted to exploit the Muslims’ sentiments and provoked the West against them through such tactics.

The very “dangerous” segment also called the Muslims’ reaction as violation of their freedom of expression and democracy.

He strongly advocated for teaching the youth about the life and teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and informed the participants about the government’s decision to teach the very subject from class 7 to 9.

Imran Khan said the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the only personality, who had made remarkable achievements within a short span of time, which was also admitted even by the Western authors in their publications.

Referring to the Islamic injunctions on environmental protection, the prime minister said climate change was impacting the world because the humans were not thinking of the future generations.

He said Pakistan was created under a vision to become an Islamic welfare state and it could excel in the comity of nations while remaining stick to that ideology.
The prime minister also distributed prizes among the winners of competitions of research papers, Naats and books on Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH).

A video was shown containing the guiding words by the prime minister, federal ministers and prominent religious scholars highlighting the importance of environmental protection, tree plantation and cleanliness.

Religious Affairs Minister Pir Nuru Haq Qadri, in his address, said one could judge the level of seriousness of the Holy Prophet about environmental protection during peace time as he had advised against damaging the trees even during battles.

He said the prime minister’s pro-poor initiatives like Panagah, Ehsaas Programme and Sehat Insaf Card were in fact a step towards establishing a welfare state on the pattern of State of Madina.

About the blasphemous caricatures displayed in France, the minister said the current blasphemous act was supported by the French president and only the two Muslims leaders, including Imran Khan and Tayyip Erdogan spoke against it.

He said recently an attempt was made to create sectarian rifts in the country, which had been thwarted with the cooperation of Ulema.

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