WHO donates Rs500m to strengthen COVID-19 response efforts of govt

ISLAMABAD – The World Health Organisation (WHO) has handed-over a donation worth over Rs500 million to strengthen the COVID-19 response efforts of the government through strengthening the Surveillance System and Points of Entry. 

According to a statement issued by WHO, Dr Palitha Mahipala, WHO representative in Pakistan, handed over the donation to Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Health, Dr Faisal Sultan in a magnificent ceremony at WHO Country Office, Islamabad. 

Speaking on occasion, Dr Mahipala remarked: “WHO highly appreciates the strenuous efforts by government of Pakistan to contain COVID-19 pandemic. WHO is committed to sustaining its support to the government in future. We are sparing no effort to prevent and stop the transmission of COVID-19 and ensure that Pakistan gets vaccine promptly and equitably.”

Dr Faisal Sultan acknowledged the support by WHO and said: “WHO has been supportive of comprehensive national public health response effort at every level to control COVID-19 pandemic. We acknowledge the support of WHO to strategic preparedness and response plan as well as its integrated response efforts in Pakistan to met out the health and safety needs of affected during the pandemic. 

The close coordination between the government and WHO has been proved rewarding to stop the virus transmission and will further help to strengthen the health system in Pakistan.”

WHO donation includes 33 ambulances, 150 motorbikes, 12 double cabins and laboratory equipment. These vehicles will help strengthen various aspects of COVID-19 response including surveillance, case investigation and case management.

The representative of donor agencies, senior-level representatives of the provincial governments, federal and provincial government health officers and WHO country office and sub-office staff also graced the occasion.

WHO supported Pakistan’s response to COVID-19 through “WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan” which outlines necessary public health measures to prepare and respond to COVID-19 pandemic. The document guided the development of Pakistan-specific national and regional operational plans and strengthened the capacity of the government to plan, implement and monitor more effective, efficient, and evidence-based health interventions by strengthening response coordination, infection prevention and control, case management, disease surveillance, testing services in laboratories, introduction of the vaccine, essential health services, strengthening health systems, and community mobilisation, sensitization and engagement to cope the impacts of the COVID-19.

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