IIOJK will be free one day: AJK President

ISLAMABAD   –  Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan Friday expressed confidence that the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) would be free one day.

The world community should become an effective voice of innocent Kashmiris, who had been braving the worst Indian brutalities for their just right to self-determination, he added while talking to a private news channel on the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Sardar Masood said India had virtually turned the entire occupied valley into an open prison and the whole world had mow started realizing the gravity of human rights situation in IIOJK.

The people in over 100 countries today were raising their voice for the Kashmiris. and which was due to the strong support from Pakistan, which continuously highlighted its principled stand on Kashmir issue, he added.

He said the entire Pakistani nation was committed to the Kashmir cause and no power in the world could stop them for supporting the freedom struggle of their Kashmiri brethren and sisters.

He said the brutal Indian occupation forces were committing massive human rights violations in the valley, especially after New Delhi’s illegal actions of August 5, 2019 to suppress Kashmiris and change the demographic apartheid of the territory by settling non-locals there.

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