Kashmir Global Council holding a seminar in Dallas Texas

Dallas Texas (PNI) US and Canada based Kashmir Global Council is holding a seminar in Dallas Texas. The president of KGC Farooq Siddiqi briefed the board of directors who met in Dallas. He said that the participants are going to throw light on the similarities of Occupation in Ukraine and Kashmir.

The seminar emphasis will be on the dangerous trend growing in the world where occupation and abuse of human rights of weak nations are perused on the basis of military might with impunity.

The participants will discuss how unjustifiable occupation of Kashmir in Asia and Ukraine in Europe can be devastating for the humanity as these occupation are carried out by nation states that are armed with nuclear arsenal in their possessions.

The participants are Americas known political social and academic personalities

Which include Texas state congress woman Terry Meza

Judge Kim Kykis

Human Rights and Gender side president Beverly Hills

Democratic Party representative Annent French and Susan Motley

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