Lahore Chamber of commerce wants detailed socio-economic plan from all political parties

LAHORE 18 July (Online): President of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry MianNaumanKabir has urged all the political parties and the federal and provincial governments to stop issuing mere statements and come up with a detailed socio-economic plan with well-tailored and well thought-out implementation of long-term and short-term strategies.

He said that the economy cannot be revived without major reforms in all these sectors.

In a statement, MianNaumanKabir said that issuing mere statements on socio-economic issues will not be doing any service to the country. All the political parties should present their detailed plans, not only for the economic stability but for the rule of law with quick and cheap justice, meritocracy, quality governance (transforming the state institutions to bring them to 21st century from the present 19 century status), quality education and research, changing the role of bureaucracy from being colonial masters to people’s servants etc.

“Our biggest issue at the moment is our socio-economic decline”, MianNaumanKabir said and added that our political parties should also have shadow cabinets and think tanks so that when they come in power, they have some detailed working plans in their hands to resolve the issues faced by the trade, industry, agriculture, nation and the country.

He regretted that in our country bureaucracy is ruling and the politicians are dependent on it because there is no tradition of doing homework before coming into power in shape of a shadow cabinet and think tanks.

He said that only the collective and sincere efforts by all the political parties can help get rid of the economic issues within the shortest possible time.

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