At UN, Pakistan successfully spotlighted India’s rights abuses in Kashmir: Akram says in year-end review

UNITED NATIONS, : Pakistan’s key objective at the U.N. in 2020 remained highlighting the continued military siege and massive human rights violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), Ambassador Munir Akram has said, calling his mission’s intensive, year-long efforts “successful.”

“In line with the direction and guidance of our leadership, we played a leading role in different multilateral process in New York,” he said in summing up the role played by Pakistan at the UN in 2020.

“2020 was a successful year for Pakistan’s diplomacy here at the United Nations,” the Pakistani envoy said in a video message on the end of the year review released on Thursday.

He said the legal, political and moral case for Kashmiris freedom struggle was laid out, citing the Pakistan-sponsored resolution on the peoples to self-determination which was unanimously adopted the General Assembly.

At Pakistan’s request, and with the support of China, Ambassador Akram said, the Security Council discussed the situation in IIOJK twice in 2020 – most recently on Aug. 5 at the first anniversary of the unilateral and illegal action of BJP-RSS regime.

India’s state terrorism was continually exposed, and a detailed dossier presented to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

“We are also working to counter disinformation networks by alerting the world to the real and present danger emanating from false Indian propaganda through identity theft, technical abuse and false attribution to the UN system, the Pakistani envoy said.

Pakistan also raised the issue of Islamophobia, and its resolution on “inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue” calling for respect for religious symbols and legitimate restrictions on freedom of expression was adopted by an overwhelming majority by the 193-member Assembly.

He noted that this year both the UN chief and the President of the General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir, visited Pakistan highlighting Islamabad’s multifaceted and vital relationship with the UN.

Pakistan’s key role in facilitating the Afghan peace process and its efforts to ensure a lasting peace led and owned by Afghans projected.

The General Assembly also adopted four Pakistani resolutions on regional disarmament, conventional arms control, and confidence building measures at regional levels and negative security assurances.

As one of the top troop contributors to UN Peacekeeping, the role of Pakistani blue-helmet was greatly appreciated, with 69 Pakistani peacekeepers awarded medals in the Liberian mission.

Pakistan had the honour of presiding over UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) following the election of Ambassador Akram to the post. He led the UN’s economic arm amidst a global pandemic that has brought unprecedented economic and social challenges.

Pakistan advocated for a strong people-centric international response to coronavirus based on solidarity and cooperation to support global economic recovery, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while addressing the challenges faced by developing countries.

During the Special Session of the UNGA on Covid-19, Prime Minister Imran Khan presented a comprehensive 10-point agenda aimed at supporting developing States in the recovery process, and advocating a strong call for an equitable and universal access to vaccine, while giving priority to vulnerable groups.

On Climate Change, Ambassador Akram said this year will be remembered for Pakistan’s bold leadership and ambition, highlighting the need for investments in sustainable infrastructure to eliminate poverty to build back better.

Pakistan was reelected to serve for three more years in the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council, a key UN body by obtaining the highest votes in the General Assembly from the Asia-Pacific region.

“The Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN is committed to serve to the fullest of its abilities as a viable member state at the United Nations,” Ambassador Akram said.

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