OIC Special envoy, Muslim countries’ ambassadors visit LoC: ISPR

RAWALPINDI , Nov 10 (APP):Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir Ambassador Yousef Aldobeay and Assistant Secretary General Ambassador Tariq Ali Bakheet Wednesday visited Chirikot Sector of the line of control (LoC) along with high level delegation including five senior diplomats from brotherly Muslim countries including KSA, Morocco, Sudan and Maldives.

The delegation was briefed on the latest security situation along LoC and situation before and after the Director Generals of Military Operations (DGsMO) understanding, said an Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) media release.

The delegation was briefed on humanitarian crisis in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and Indian atrocities. The delegates also interacted with victims of India’s unprovoked Cease Fire Violations, it added.

Later, the delegation reached Muzaffarabad where they met President Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) followed by briefing and formal exchange of views on the latest situation in the region. The delegation also interacted with civilians of the area.

Moreover, it said on November 11, the delegates would visit Refugee’s camp and Vocational Training Centre.

Later, the delegation would meet United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan – UNMOGIP in Muzaffarabad. It would also meet AJK Prime Minister and representatives of various political parties in AJK Parliament.

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