FM Qureshi urges UNGA to give voice to global condemnation of Israeli aggression in Gaza

NEW YORK, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has called on the UN General Assembly to assume its responsibility and act to restore peace and security in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, where Israel has unleashed brutal aggression against the Palestinian people.

Speaking at a working dinner he held on Wednesday night in honour of the foreign ministers who are here to attend an urgent session of the 193-member Assembly on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he said that it (the General Assembly) must give voice to the global condemnation of the Israeli aggression.

“It is regrettable that the Security Council has been prevented from acting to halt Israel’s blatant aggression despite mounting deaths and destruction, despite the international outrage at and condemnation of the Israeli attacks and the crimes being committed against the Palestinian people,” Qureshi said soon after his arrival in New York.

“This has further eroded the credibility of the Security Council,” he said, calling it a blot on the reputation of those who champion human rights and the rule of law— an obvious reference to the United States which is blocking the 15-member Council from issuing a ceasefire call.

“It has intensified the anguish and anger across the Muslim world,” the Pakistani foreign minister said.

“In view of the paralysis of the Security Council, the UN General Assembly must assume its responsibility for the restoration of peace and security,” he said, adding, “It must respond to the plight of the Palestinian children, women and men who are facing the Israeli onslaught.”

Qureshi emphasized that Thursday’s meeting must convey a strong message on behalf of the OIC to the international community, including to the Security Council.

“It must affirm that inaction is not an option in this grave crisis. The world must act to end the slaughter and bloodshed of the Palestinians.”

The entire Muslim Ummah, he said, was outraged over Israel’s use of indiscriminate and disproportionate force against innocent Palestinian children, women and men. Hundreds of innocent lives have been lost; thousands more have been injured and uprooted.

“We are united in strongly condemning Israel’s deliberate and systematic escalation of brutal force against the Palestinian; wanton use of force against worshippers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the month of Ramazan violating the sanctity of the Mosque and Harmain al Sharif; the forcible eviction of Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem and demolition of their homes and the brutal, indiscriminate bombing of Gaza which is continuing as we speak.”

The working dinner was attended by the Foreign Ministers, Mevlut Cavusoglu of Turkey,
Riad Al-Malki of Palestine and Othman Jerandi of Tunisia.

The President UN General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir, was also present.

FM Qureshi’s visit to New York is part of Pakistan’s intensive diplomatic outreach efforts to mobilize international support to end the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

He will address the special session of the UN General Assembly on Thursday, which has been convened as a result of combined efforts of Pakistan and other OIC countries to discuss the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

Also were present were: Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations,
Munir Akram, and Pakistan’ Ambassador to the United States, Asad Majeed Khan.
During his stay in New York, the Foreign Minister will hold meetings with his counterparts from other countries, and hold talks with the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, and the Assembly President, Volkan Bozkir to discuss the situation in Palestine.

The Foreign Minister will hold several meet representatives of various media organizations.

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