The influent humanitarian Badis Diab want to build 1000 water wells in Pakistan

Writing by Ali S.

KARACHI, :He’s just 30 years and have already a long and important experience as humanitarian over the world.

The algerian Badis Diab, born and raised in France, is one of the most active social worker of his generation.Founder of the NGO UNITY that works in 58 countries for different causes as education, childhood, health, disability or ecology, he built an important humanitarian network that allowed him to provide help each day of the year.Specialized about the african field, however this is in Pakistan that the man conceived his greatest project : To build 1000 water wells in Pakistan before the end of 2021.In Sindh, around a team of local volunteers, almost 79 water wells has been built the last 3 month, and regarding the daily operation posted in his own social network, M. Badis Diab say that is only the beginning : « Providing a good water to the maximum of people in Pakistan is my main goal for this new year, getting help from thousands of private donors from all over the world and a wonderful team of pakistanis volunteers, I think that we are on the good way to achieve our plans.The following weeks will be very intensive, we hope to finalize 2 or 3 water wells each day from now to the end of the year, and by the way provide an important help to the maximum of poor people ».

A wonderful work from Badis Diab who is building a strong and a historic relationship with Pakistanis.
In this way, we can wish him a good luck for this project.

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