PM Imran Khan’s posters appear in IIOJK

ISLAMABAD – In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the posters with pictures of Prime Minister Imran Khan surfaced in Srinagar and other areas of the territory wherein people as well as the government of Pakistan were hailed for showing solidarity with Kashmiris on February 5, every year.

Kashmir Media Service on Thursday reported that the posters were displayed by Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Alliance on the eve of February 5, the Kashmir Solidarity Day.  “Thank you Pakistan, thank you Imran Khan for effectively raising the Kashmir case at all global platforms” was inscribed on a poster under the picture of Prime Minister Imran Khan. “Freedom is birthright of Kashmiris. We will provide with every kind of support to them and will not leave them alone in their struggle,” some posters quoted Imran Khan as saying. “Pakistan will extend every kind of support to the people of Jammu and Kashmir at every forum,” another poster added. The posters reiterated that the Kashmiris would continue their struggle till the achievement of the goal of freedom.

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