Moeed calls on AJK Prime Minister

ISLAMABAD,: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan Thursday underlined the need for projecting the Kashmir issue aggressively at international level in the wake of current wave of aggressions of Indian forces in Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

He was talking to National Security advisor, Moeed Yousaf who called on him at his office in Islamabad.

The prime minister said India was engaged in the systematic killings of Kashmiri in IIOJK and targeting the civil population of Azad Kashmir.

He said before COVID-19, Kashmir was in the sharp focus of the world attention and urged appraise the world about the gruesome human rights violations of the Indian forces in the occupied valley.

The prime minister discussed with Moeed Yusuf about the aggressions of the Indian forces on the Line of Control (LoC) and setting up hydro power projects in Azad Kashmir.

He said Kashmiri people had been in the complete lockdown since 5th of august last year.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister also held a meeting with the Federal Minister for planning and Development Asad Umer and discussed ongoing developmental projects launched with the financial assistance of the Pakistan government in Azad Kashmir.

The prime minister thanked the federal government for providing generous financial assistance for the development of Azad Kashmir .

The federal minister assured that the Pakistan government would remain engaged with the Azad Kashmir government for the completion of projects launched for the welfare and economic uplift of the people.

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