Mirwaiz Hurriyat leaders call for shutdown tomorrow

ISLAMABAD, : In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Hurriyat forum Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and its senior leaders, Professor Abdul Ghani Butt, Bilal Ghani Lone and Masroor Abbas Ansari have called for complete shutdown on Saturday (tomorrow) against Modi government’s nefarious designs to alter the demographic composition of the territory.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the Hurriyat forum leaders in a joint statement issued in Srinagar strongly denounced the incessant anti-people orders being issued by the Modi government at frequent intervals to intimidate and psychologically torture the people of the territory.

They said that this imperialistic approach of New Delhi was bound to fail.

The leaders reiterated the Hurriyat forum’s principled stand of engagement and dialogue among stakeholders for resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

“Rather than seeking a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute accordance to the will of millions of Kashmiris, all attempts are being made by the Government of India to undermine that possibility and instead,

A policy of permanent demographic change is aggressively being pushed to snatch the Kashmiris’ land, destroy their identity and turn them into a minority in their own land,” they said.

The forum leaders deplored that one after other laws are being invented and amended by New Delhi and forcibly thrust upon the people of IIOJK.

They said that now India brazenly repealed the land law to let anyone from across India to own land in Jammu and Kashmir hence taking away from the residents of the territory the exclusive right to their land and property in order to ease the settling of outsiders IIOJK.

Besides, the law allows the authorities to declare any local area as a strategic area on army’s behest which is alarming, they added.

The leaders maintained that the Kashmiri people are not some dumb driven cattle who will yield to these imperial laws.

Kashmiris have proved by their will and their immense sacrifices that they are not dead but alive and determined people who will not accept such assaults upon them and their motherland, they said.

The Hurriyat forum leaders said people of IIOJK completely reject and strongly condemn these appalling imperial measures.

To register their strong resentment against these anti-people laws, and demanding their immediate withdrawal, IIOJK people will peacefully observe a shutdown on Saturday (October 31), they added.

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