NEW DELHI DEC 10 (ONLINE): Advait Chandan’s 2022 film Laal Singh Chaddha may not have worked at the box office, but it surely strengthened the relationship between its leads, Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor. On the Actors Roundtable by The Hollywood Reporter India, Kareena recalled how she felt the need to reach out to Aamir after the film’s failure because of his kind gesture towards her during the shoot. “We had Covid (while shooting for Laal Singh Chaddha), and then I got pregnant in Covid. And I was like, ‘Oh my god! We’re in the middle of this movie and I have to call up Aamir and tell him that it’s Covid. We’re 50-60% into the movie and I’m pregnant.’ And Saif (Ali Khan, husband) looked at me and said, ‘I think it’s Aamir, and you should tell him. We’re stuck in this situation that we don’t even know when this lockdown is going to open, what’s going to happen. You don’t even have to say it’s a mistake. Things happen, we’ve been home for a year and a half. Don’t be scared, just pick up the phone.’ Because I didn’t know how he’s going to take it because it’s in the middle (of the shoot),” Kareena recalled.
“I just called him and told him, ‘I don’t know, if you want to replace me, if you can, but this is it. I’m a mother and I want to have my second child. So should I be saying sorry, I don’t even know.’ I was literally mumbling like I am right now. And he just said, ‘I’m so happy for you. We’re going to do this, and we’re going to do this together. I’m going to wait for you, and whatever it takes, I’m going to make this happen.’ There are people in the industry who value you for just going on with your life and standing by your decision. I was so happy he did it and we made this movie. Everyone loved it, or didn’t love it, but that’s just the way life is,” Kareena added. After Laal Singh Chaddha didn’t work at the box office, Aamir bumped into Kareena at an event and said, “Apni picture nahi chali, baat toh karegi na mujhse?” Kareena responded that her relations with people don’t depend on the box office performances of the movies she’s done with them. She added that her character of Roopa in the film did more for her as an actor that even her latest blockbuster, Rohit Shetty’s cop drama Singham Again, did.
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