Coronavirus: Latest global developments

Paris, Jan 8 (AFP/APP):Here are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis: – Two million cases a day worldwide – The world recorded more than two million daily coronavirus cases on average between January 1 and 7 with figures doubling in 10 days, an AFP […]

Coronavirus: Latest global developments

Paris, Dec 14 (AFP/APP):Here are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis: – First UK death from Omicron – Omicron has killed at least one person in Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson reveals as he launches a large booster programme against the variant. – Norway […]

Coronavirus: Latest global developments

Paris, Nov 14 (AFP/APP):Here are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis: – China donates 500,000 more vaccine doses to Syria – China donates 500,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine to war-torn Syria, which has one of the world’s lowest inoculation rates and what the UN […]

Coronavirus: Latest global developments

Paris, Sept 25 (AFP/APP):Here are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis: – Britain preparing temporary visas for lorry drivers – Britain’s government is looking at issuing temporary visas to allow foreign lorry drivers to work in Britain, reversing its earlier policy because of the […]