Value addition crucial to boost exports: Sarwar

LAHORE, (APP): Punjab Governor Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar has advised industrialists, academia and researchers to join hands for developing new value added products which were crucial to boost exports.

In a virtual address to an international e-conference—Nascent Drifts in Industry (NDI-2021), he said the present government also laid emphasize on value added manufacture products and their exports for bringing economic prosperity to the country.

“New trends always bring new innovations that lead towards prosperity of nation,” he remarked.

He congratulated the organizers of event including Textile Institute UK (Lahore Section), GARA Global Malaysia and CCN University Bangladesh for holding a valuable virtual two-day conference in such crucial times of pandemic.

The governor also appreciated efforts of researchers Engr. Dr. Hafsa Jamshaid C Text FTI and Dr. Allah Dad for ensuring fruitful discussion on the conference’s topic by inviting multiple researchers from across the globe.

He said the topic of conference related to Nascent Drifts in Industry especially in the field of fashion and textile was important and needed to be discussed for betterment of the sector. Such conferences were imperative to bring academia and industrialists together for better outcome.

The two day e-conference was held from August 28 to 29 wherein researchers participated from multiple countries including USA, Turkey, China, Malaysia, Bangladesh, UK, Czech Republic and Zambia.

Director General Textile Wing, State Minister of Education Maldives Dr. Abdullah Rasheed and Textile Institute UK World President Ms. Katie Greenyer attended the event as Guest of Honor.

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