Swabi police arrest 101 POs, 142 drug peddlers, recover arms

PESHAWAR, Sep 06 (APP):The district Swabi police in crackdowns against anti social activities have arrested 101 proclaimed offenders (POs) and 142 drug peddlers and recovered a huge cache of arms from their possessions.

District Police Officer (DPO) Mohammad Shoaib told this during a press conference on Monday regarding police performance, recent search operations, snap checking and other raids conducted in district Swabi.
He said 39 Klashnikovs, three Kalakovs, 23rifles, and 433 pistols were recovered from the arrested POs and drug peddlers.

DPO Mohammad Shoaib further informed that with the cooperation of local Ulemas and welfare Jirgas, the district police was striving to settle all the old enmities amicably. He said that series of search and strike operations and snap checking would continue for maintaining peace and tranquility in the area.
