Qaumi Awami Tehreek to celebrate Rasool Bux Palejo’s birth anniversary on Jan 20

HYDERABAD, Jan 16 (APP): Qaumi Awami Tehreek (QAT) has announced to celebrate the birth anniversary of renowned nationalist leader and great political philosopher Rasool Bux Palejo on January 20 across Sindh in magnificent manner.

This was announced by QAT chief Ayaz Latif Palejo here on Sunday.
Ayaz Latif said that Rasool Bakhsh Palejo was a great political leader who played an important role in raising political awareness among the people of Sindh.

The last resting place of the founder of Awami Tehreek should have been at Makli Chowk but due to the stubbornness of some people he was buried in a village 20 km away from the main road, Ayaz Palejo lamented.

Ayaz Palejo said that an attempt was made to keep a great leader away from the people by burying him in a remote area which is unfortunate.

He said Qaumi Awami Tahreek will organize birthday programs all over
Sindh on January 20 in which Rasool Bux Palejo will be remembered for his great services and birthday cakes will be cut on the occasion.

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