ANF Pakistan seized 793.206 Kg Drugs & 1086 Liters Ketamine valuing US$ 47.686 Million

ISLAMABAD, Feb 25 (Online): Anti Narcotics Force Pakistan seized 793.206 Kg Drugs & 1086 Liters Ketamine valuing US$ 47.686 Million internationally, arrested 41 culprits including 3 women and impounded 13 vehicles while conducting 44 counter narcotics operations throughout the country. The seized drugs comprised 117.48 Kg Heroin, 503.985 Kg Hashish, 117.4 Kg Opium, 1.724 Kg Amphetamine, 12.568 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice), 0.026 Kg Marijuana, 0.038 Kg Weed, 800 x Ecstasy Tablets (0.485 Kg), 1106 x Lyrica Capsules (0.600 Kg), 6 Kg Poppy Straw & 32.9 Kg Suspected Substance. ANF also destroyed poppy crop cultivated on 35 x acres in Sindh Province.

ANF Balochistan recovered 141.1 Kg drugs in 5 operations while arrested 3 accused and seized 3 x vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 55 Kg Heroin, 34.1 Kg Hashish, 50 Kg Opium & 2 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice).

ANF Punjab recovered 224.944 Kg drugs in 11 operations while arrested 11 accused including 2 women and seized 3 x vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 2.65 Kg Heroin, 206.5 Kg Hashish, 9.6 Kg Opium, 6.168 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice) and 0.026 Kg Marijuana.

ANF KPK recovered 177.345 Kg drugs in 9 operations while arrested 11 accused including a woman and seized 3 x vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 45.6 Kg Heroin, 74.16 Kg Hashish, 54.2 Kg Opium, 2.900 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice) and 800 x Ecstasy Tablets (0.485 Kg).

ANF Sindh recovered 191.05 Kg drugs, 1086 liters Ketamine & Destroyed 35 x Acres Poppy Cultivated Crops in 9 operations while arrested 7 accused. The seized drugs comprised 175.05 Kg Hashish, 1.500 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice), 1106 x Lyrica Capsules (0.600 Kg), 6 Kg Poppy Straw and 7.9 Kg Suspected Substance.

ANF North recovered 58.767 Kg drugs in 10 operations, arrested 9 accused and seized 4 x vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 14.23 Kg Heroin, 14.175 Kg Hashish, 3.600 Kg Opium, 1.724 Kg Amphetamine, 0.038 Kg Weed and 25 Kg Suspected Substance.

All cases have been registered at respective ANF Police Stations under CNS Act 1997 and further investigations are under process.

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