The Importance Of Literature In Life By: Prof. Fazal Tanha Gharshin

Human beings are always in the constant phase of change and development. It requires them such an experience of life which is a good blend of literature, philosophy and science to tread it in a well manner. For this noble cause, the services of well-known literary men, philosophers and writers may be sought to guide them in the light of their gained knowledge linked to entity in place. Religion, mysticism and history are also in the search of truth and peace in parallel with science and literature. However, scientism in the west and religionism in the east have excluded literature from human’s everyday life to a large extent. Literature is the best expression of best thoughts. “Literature is a comprehensive essence of the intellectual life of a nation”. The beauty of life lies in keeping balance in all the realities of life— philosophy, literature, science, religion, etc.

No doubt, science has decoded many secrets of the universe and enabled mankind to meet all its materialistic needs, but still it has failed in meeting mankind with itself. Science deals with mankind’s outside world, while literature deals with its inside most-pressing concerns − relations, love, aesthetics, life, death, like, dislike, good and evil. The unwise use of science swamps mankind into the vortex of wars and anti−human activities, but literature, simultaneously, heals the deep wounds of wars by preaching humanity, peace, equality and love. Literature offers us an opportunity to imagine how another human might live, think, dream and feel. Literature is a life−giving power and gives mankind the sense of “myself”, which puts an end to science−induced mental slavery and religion−imposed xenophobic circles.

Literature is the main source for cultivating imagination and empathy. We had the subversive imagination of inventing bombs, and now we have to demonstrate empathy towards bomb−affected humans. Unlike science and mathematics, literature has no practical returns, while by the grace of imaginative power, it has predictable returns. Literature’s core product is imagination. Clinton says: “Children cannot be expected to live a balanced life, for they cannot imagine”. Poor imagination breeds economic disparity, political chaos and social uncertainty. Literature snuffs out geographic borders, social discriminations and cultic divisions. It gives voice to the voiceless and freedom to the depressed. It wipes out gender apartheid and promotes critical thinking. Literature classifies past, criticizes present and envisions future. Retrospection, introspection and rumination are the core subjects of literature.

Indeed, literature deals with human life in soft manner: poetry expresses the beauty of life; fiction replicates the reality of life; novel unveils the abominable face of life; and drama represents life on stage. However, now−a−days, literature is not given the importance it used to have. MH Abrams quotes: “Life without literature is a life reduced to penury”. There’s no two ways in saying that scientific inventions, agricultural revolutions and religious exclusivism have planted the seeds of hate, greed, cruelty and immorality. Guided missiles need guided souls; frothing mobs need tolerance; greedy souls need serenity; egoistic minds need patience; pessimistic spirits need optimism; prejudiced hearts need tranquility; exploited individuals need justice and materialists need love.

Literature brings smiles in war−affected faces; it infuses the ray of hope into discouraged hearts; it inspires creative ideas in enslaved brains; it works as catharsis – purging of emotional tensions; it works as powerbroker in the realms of science and religion; it maintains the balance of power between materialism and spirituality; and it holds science and religion accountable for criticism, which unveils new vistas for modernization and civilization. In the end, mankind has harnessed the earth, the moon, the sun and what not. Now it is high time to harness ego, vanity, greed, selfishness and hate by the virtue of literature. We need smile, love, peace and tolerance. After the heavy devastations of science and religion, now humans are in the dire need of promoting literature.

About the Author: Fazal Tanha Gharshin is a lecturer at govt degree college Pishin.

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