Time slipping out of opposition hands like sand: Sheikh Rashid

LAHORE, JAN 03 (Online): Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has said time is slipping out of the hands of opposition like sand and Imran Khan
government is stronger than before which will complete its constitutional tenure.

He said this during his meeting with the Chief Minister (CM) Punjab Usman Buzdar here Monday. A set of issues including political affairs, law and order situation and progress in ongoing uplift projects in Rawalpindi came under discussion.

Sheikh Rashid held that Punjab government is addressing the problems of people of Rawalpindi on priority basis. Law and orders situation is better.

He went on to say that government is taking and will continue to take all possible measures for the protection of life and property of the people.

Those who have announced to state Long March on March 23 should nail
senses, he said adding no one can be allowed to take law into one’s hands.

Usman Buzdar said those sowing the seeds of chasm should look into their own weaknesses. In the past culture of political vengeance was promoted and incumbent government eliminated the negative politics of political vengeance.

He assured that uplift projects in Rawalpindi will be completed as soon as possible. Rawalpidi is citadel of PTI. We are fully focusing on the resolution of problems facing Rawalpindi. We are convinced to the politics of tolerance, harmony and brotherhood. We tread on the path of decency, transparency and integrity.

Leveling allegations and hurling abuses is not our habit, he remarked. The rule of law has been ensured in the province. Negative attitude and politics of chaos is harmful for the security and integrity of Pakistan, he added.

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