PTI utilizing state machinery for masses welfare: Usman Dar

ISLAMABAD, Aug 26 (APP):Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Youth Affairs Usman Dar on Thursday said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)government was utilizing state machinery for the welfare of the masses.

Talking to a private news channel he said, previous governments misguided nation, used all country resources for their personal benefits that destroyed institutions.

While talking about empowerment of women in the society, all political parties should put collective efforts to empower the most important segment of the society despite of point scoring.

He said the governance in Punjab was much better than Sindh as the Chief Minister Usman Buzdar was serving masses irrespectively, adding, good governance required untiring efforts, he added.

He praised the Member Provincial Assembly, Nazir Chohan for admitting his fault and his re-affiliation with the party.
