Polls are useless in this situation: Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

ISLAMABAD July 21 July (Online): Pakistan Muslim League leader and Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said holding elections in current situation are useless.

According to detail Shahid Khaqan Abbasi held informal talks with media and said I did not give up on politics but looking no benefits of elections in current situation. What will be the future plan I don’t know.
Shahid Khaqan Abbasi raised question that what currant parliament did, which is benefiting to the people.

He said you made NAB and through that you established ‘Peoples Party Patriot’ and then PML-Q which failed. Nor party makers are alive now neither peoples in those parties have any respect. Nor those who were in these parties have any respect neither they delivered anything to state.

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi further said Istehkam Party claims to bring stability. History tells lesson that those who stands during difficult times, are right.

He said politics is not now critical but purposeless and this politics of make them and break them will not work. Did this too much in 75 years.
So called accountability institutions are used for political and other purposes, he added.

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