PM opts to remove Shahzad Akbar from his post

Islamabad – January 2 (ONLINE): Advisor to the Prime Minister on Accountability Shehzad Akbar is reportedly in a spot of bother since the Prime Minister Imran Khan has expressed dissatisfaction with his performance, sources revealed.

According to sources, Prime Minister has decided in principle to remove him from his position and replace him with a senior lawyer from Lahore.
Well-placed government sources told Online that Prime Minister Imran Khan also expressed dissatisfaction over Shahzad’s performance in cabinet meeting.

Sources close to Prime Minister said Shehzad Akbar failed miserably to achieve all the targets to him, especially to expose the corruption of Sharif family and former President Asif Ali Zardari and to recover looted wealth from them.

As Shahzad failed to achieve anything, a British court ruled in favor of opposition leader Shahbaz Sharif, sole political rival of Prime Minister, which resulted in the government’s failure to bring in the laundered money back from abroad.

Sources said that Prime Minister was anguished over the fact that Shehzad Akbar could not even punish any big corrupt politician. He also had differences with NAB chairman. The task given to Shahzad Akbar in connection with the investigation of the Chinese scandals could not bring the elements involved in it to justice.

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