People have been kept away from choosing leadership through free and fair elections: JI Amir

Lahore September 06 (Online): Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Sirajul Haq has said that the country has long been paying cost for keeping away the people from choosing their leadership through free and fair electoral process.

“Let us make a resolve to strengthen democratic values and transform Pakistan into an Islamic welfare state on the occasion of Defense Day,” he said this while talking to media at the residence of Captain Hafiz Kashan Ali Shaheed.

Hafiz Kashan embraced shahdat at the LOC during the holy month of Ramzan. The JI lauded the services of Pakistan Army for the defense of country. He paid tribute to those millions of Muslim who rendered sacrifices for the creation of Pakistan.

However, he regretted the country could not achieved the destination for what the Muslims of this region had made struggle under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

He said the corruption, interest-based economy, illiteracy, poverty plagued the country. The ruling class kept the people in darkness and did nothing to strengthen democracy and democratic values, he added.
Sirajul Haq said the PTI proved itself as the agent of the status quo and even incapable than its predecessors.

He said the prime minister shifted the responsibility of his government failure on the masses which according to the PM were not paying taxes. In-fact, he said, the prime minister himself admitted his government was unable to fix the problems.

To a question, he replied the PTI must not be provided opportunity to be political martyr.
“The JI wants the PTI to be exposed fully before the public,” he said, adding the PML-N and the PPP were also sided with the PTI to keep the status quo intact.

To another question, he said India was involved in recent Quetta bomb blast and other terror incident and was taking the revenge of its defeat in Afghanistan. The security forces must remain vigilant to counter future Indian plots, he said.

Siraj said New Delhi could not keep the Kashmiris as their slave forever and the sun of freedom would soon rise on the valley. He said though the demise of veteran Kashmir leader Syed Ali Geelani was a great loss to the freedom movement yet it would continue with even more determination in future.
