PDM trying to create unrest, uncertainty in country: Shibli

ISLAMABAD, :Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Senator Shibli Faraz on Friday said that Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), through public meetings and issuing different anti-state statements, was trying to create unrest and uncertainty in the country.

Talking to a private news channel, he said that PDM leadership did not condemn or even contradict the recent statement of Ayaz Sadiq. “But, they (top opposition leadership) were supporting his stance,” he said.

Criticizing Ayaz Sadiq’s statement, the minister said that Ayaz basically defined the narrative of India against Pakistan.

“Matter of fact, it’s wrong perception that Ayaz gave statement at the floor of the house on personal capacity. Actually, Ayaz spoke on behalf of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif,” he said.

Shibli Faraz informed that the government has to face a lot of pressure from the people to take appropriate action against sitting MNA Ayaz Sadiq over irresponsible statement.
“Law will take its own course against Ayaz,” he added.
